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ACMP 2021

Victoria Grady shares her findings and covers Key Questions in Using Transitional Objects to Build Resilience Inside Your Organization 


Grady, Victoria, Spohn, Scott, and Wittman, Rachel (2020, July) 

“Psychological Contracts and Change Management: Are These Unspoken Agreements Affecting Your Change Plan?” Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ACMP Virtual Global Conference.

Grady, James and Grady, Victoria (2019, June). 

“The Application of Modern Attachment Theory as a Valuable Tool to Support Change Resistance Into Competitive Advantage.” Proceedings of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations Annual Meeting. New York, New York.  

Grady, Victoria and Noakes, Ian (2018, March)

“Attachment Styles, Desire and Organizational Change: Case Studies with Federal Government, a Biotechnology Company, and a Leader in Next Generation Cyber Security” Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ACMP Global Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.

Grady, Victoria and Noakes, Ian (2017, May)

“Are You Implementing an Organizational Change and Encountering a Lack of Desire for Change? Organizational Attachment Styles may be the Cause.” Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ACMP Global Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.   

Grady, Victoria, McCreesh, Patrick, Feiselman, Heidi (2016, May)

“Is There Ever Change in Washington?” Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ACMP Global Conference. Dallas Texas.

Grady, Victoria and Grady, James (2014, October)

“Impact Of Leadership Succession On Family Business Culture.” Family Firm Institute 2014 Global Conference, Washington, D.C. (under review).

Lilly, Kristen and Grady, Victoria. (2014, April)

“What does a plane crash, a volleyball and a deserted island have to do with organizational change?” Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ACMP Global Conference. Orlando, Florida.

Grady, Victoria and Schmid, Jinnie L. (2014, April)

“Up-front Analysis. . . How's That Working Out For Ya?” Proceedings from the Performance Improvement Conference 2014. Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Grady, Victoria, Schmid, Virginia, and Grady, James (2014)

"Up-Front Analysis...How’s That Workin’ Out For Ya?"  International Society for Performance Improvement 2014 Global Conference, Indianapolis, In.

Osnes, Gry and Grady, James (2013, October)

“Succession as Strategy Process, Survival and Trust; Defining the Phenomena and Implications for Family Businesses.” Family Firm Institute Global Conference 2013, San Diego, Ca.

Grady, Victoria and Grady, James (2013, July)

“Use of a Quantitative Tool to Identify, Measure, Track Symptoms Emerging in Employees as a Result of Organizational Change: A Professional Development Workshop.” International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Oxford, England.

Grady, Victoria M. Gry Osnes, and Grady, James D. (2013, March)

“Contributions of Family Capitalism to Modern Organizations.” Society for the Advancement of Management International Conference, Washington, DC.

Grady, Victoria (2013, February)

“Organizational Change and Culture: Understanding the Similarities and Differences to Maximize Success Potential” Proceedings from 13th Annual Pink Elephant Information Technology Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Grady James, Osnes Gry, Hou Olive, and Grady, Victoria. (2012, October)

International Dynamics of Succession in Family Businesses: A Preliminary Report of a Book Project.Organization Promoting the Understanding of Society: Annual Conference. London, England.

Grady, Victoria M. and Grady, James D. (2012, June)

The International Dynamics of Family Businesses.Proceedings of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. San Diego, Ca.

Grady, Victoria (2012, February)

The LOE Index: A Quantitative Tool For Measuring The Individual Response To Organizational Change – An OverviewProceedings from 12th Annual Pink Elephant Information Technology Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada.

Grady, James and Grady, Victoria (2011, September)

"Employee Reaction to Change Initiatives and the Hidden Impact on the Organization.” American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Philadelphia, Pa.

Grady, Victoria. (2011, May)

The Qualitative Process and the Quantitative Tool.Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ACMP Inaugural Global Conference. Orlando, Florida.

Grady, Victoria M. (2010, November)

“The Binky in the Boardroom….and on the Factory Floor.” TEDx Huntsville, Huntsville, AL

Grady, Victoria M. and Grady, James D. (2010, November)

“The Correlation Between Bowlby’s Attachment Theory and the Failure of Organizational Change Initiatives: Further Exploration of the Organizational LOE and Its Roots in Psychoanalytic Literature.” Proceedings of the OPUS International Conference- Organisational and Social Dynamics, London, England.

Grady, Victoria M. and Grady, James D. (2010, October)

“Complexity and Organizational Change: The Impact on the 21st Century Workforce.” Alabama Workforce Development Conference: Hosted by Governor’s Office of Workforce Development, Birmingham, AL

Grady, Victoria and Magda, Beverly. (2010, May)

“Organizational Change, Mental Models And Stability: Are They Mutually Exclusive Or Inextricably Linked?” Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, Portland, Maine.

Grady, Victoria. (2010, April)

“Measuring Individual Response to Organizational Change.” Proceedings from Best Practices in Change Management: ProSci Global Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada

Goldstein, Dahna and Grady, Victoria. (2009, December)

“The Doctor Is In: Technology Meets Psychology In Your Organization.” Monthly Web-Teleconference for the Non-Profit Technology Network (NTEN)

Grady, James D. and Grady, Victoria M. (2009, November)

“Critical Components of Organizational Trust: Raising the Issue, Exploring the Origin, Pondering the Cure....” Proceedings of the OPUS International Conference- Organisational and Social Dynamics, London, England.

Grady, Victoria M. (2009, June 6-17)

“Organizational Change: Defining the Process,” Intensive Program on Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. State University of Management, Moscow, Russia.

Grady, Victoria M. and Magda, Beverly (2008, August)

“A Model for Managing Technological Change in an Organization,” Proceedings of the American Society of Association Executives Annual Meeting, San Diego, California.

Grady, Victoria M. (2008, June)

“The LOE Index: A Quantitative Change Measure for the Individuals that are Collectively the Organization.” Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Organizations 25th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Grady, V., Davis, E. B., Olsen, N., Duffy, S., & Ciampaglio, T. (2008, May)

"The Power of Effect."  Panel presentation: Papers on organizational effectiveness. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management, Washington, DC.

Grady, Victoria M. and Magda, Beverly. (2008, April)

“Change: What is it Good for?,” Proceedings of the Team Approach User Forum: Executive Track, Boston, Massachusetts.

Grady, Victoria M. and Magda, Beverly. (2007, December)

“A Model for Managing the Human Side of Technology Change,” Monthly Web-Teleconference for Executive Council of Chief Information Officers.

Grady, Victoria M. and Grady, James D. (2007, June)

“Potential Space and Transitional Objects: Implements for The Understanding and Management Of Organizational Loss Of Effectiveness (LOE),” Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Organizations 24th Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.

Grady, Victoria M. and Magda, Beverly. (2007, February)

“The Human Side of Technology Change,” Proceedings of the American Society of Association Executives: Technology Conference, Washington DC.

Grady (Goetz), V. and Hamner, M. (2004, October)

“The Deterioration from an Organizational Loss Of Stability Into An Organizational LOE,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society Engineering Management National Conference, Alexandria, VA.

Grady-Goetz, V. and Hamner, M. (2003, October)

“Identifying Behavioral Symptoms in the Workplace That Can Evolve Into An Organizational Loss of Effectiveness,” Proceedings of the 2003 American Society Engineering Management National Conference.


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